Reality sets in...

For as quickly as it warmed up, it has cooled down just the same.  Thankfully, in ways, it has been dry and we have been able to get a head start on course cleanup.  The biggest saving grace was having seasonal help available to take advantage of the dry conditions.  I am lucky to have most of my staff returning from last year and they have been incredible this past week with their efforts.

The one down side to dry weather is having 8 acres of sod that was laid as part of last year's renovation.  We have used our sprayer to put out fires and started up the irrigation system over the weekend.  While I was not counting on hand watering in March, I'll take it if it means we can get work done on the course.

Opening date still has not been set and are waiting for more consistent warm weather in the forecast.  Thankfully we missed any snow accumulation so we can continue course cleanup.  Updates will be provided here and in the Golf Shop when we know more.

There have been a number of curious Members who have walked the course this past week.  The response to the changes have been overwhelmingly positive and is making the golf itch that much worse.  Keep coming out and enjoy a walk around the course, you'll be amazed at how great it looks.

Before we started up the irrigation system, we
were able to make a few repairs.  Thank you Justin!

Hand watering in March.... Check.  Second Assistant Luke
had a fun week on this detail

Additional pieces of equipment has increased efficiency.  We
are very thankful for these purchases.

Settled drain lines from last fall are easily repaired.
Even voles like our new bunkers.  We will monitor recovery
and make any necessary repairs.
This time of year is humbling to see how much
Annual Bluegrass is on greens.  The dark band
above and around the cup shows how much
bentgrass has filled in after a couple winter kill
Some new toys are arriving.  This hydro seeder will save lots
of time and give a better product more quickly.
This panoramic from 12 shows the new views of the club and
course after tree removals this winter.  Rather humbling in person.
We drain our irrigation pond for the winter to flush salts from
runoff.  This was my first year of having to fill it with our
deep well in the spring.


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