Before and After - Front 9 Tree Removals

Now that winter is upon us (only in temperature... most days), I took some time to get some before and after shots of the tree work we have been doing over the last year mostly, but also from before we started removals.  Needless to say, the differences are impressive in some areas and rather unchanged in others.  In a lot of areas it has taken us three years of removals to really start seeing a difference in many areas.  I cannot tell you how many before and after shots I took without seeing a noticeable difference in the landscape.  We did see an immediate difference in turf quality the following year in all areas where we removed trees.  Wether or not the turf was irrigated by our irrigation system did not matter.  Turf started to flourish and continues to flourish in all areas where sunlight was increased.  
The contrast between the following photos could be better given the time of year they were taken, but will still provide a good perspective of the final outcome.
Hole 1

Hole 2

We still have a little work to do behind the green, but will be
careful not to expose what is behind the trees.  Because of
the trees behind the green the back part of this green struggles
through the season.

Same angle as previous picture, but further back.  Thankfully
we have removed numerous trees on the south side of this green.

Hole 3

Hole 5

Hole 6

The removal of these landscape beds reduces
maintenance costs and improves views around the tee.

Golfers will now be able to start their strategy walking from
the 5th green to 6th tee.  A few removals along the left side
of the fairway will make the tee shot more comfortable. 

Seemingly not much change, but this green now gets full sun
even in winter.  There are a few trees between this green and
the 4th green to be removed, and even they will not have much
impact on this view.
Hole 7

The first two trees left of the fairway and tree just to the right
of this tee box will be removed.  We do have fairway mowing
lines to work on this coming season.
Originally the 7th hole played as a short par 4 from the
current tees for the 2nd hole and visa versa.  I'm guessing
the change was made for safety reasons.

Views of 16 green can be seen in the distance.  Removals by
10 green, 18 ladies tee and 17 tees help make this possible.

Removal of another landscape bed and a few small trees
makes quite a difference.  Landscaping around the pump
house will also be removed.
Hole 8

A view from behind 8 green looking toward 7 green.
Hole 9

This photo taken in '08 shows the willows around 9 tee and
other trees around 11 green.

View today.  Much improved.

I apologize for all of the photos, but after seeing the results of tree removals, I have never been more excited about this golf course.  It is really impressive how the views and vistas have opened up around the course and how there are compounding effects across holes as certain trees are removed.  These photos do represent this portion of our Master Plan well, but seeing them in person is even better.  The feel of the course is becoming bigger, grander and the "tunnel vision" we have on holes is reducing to become more peripheral.  

Being able to see the following golf holes during a round is under appreciated by many and is very unfortunate because they are missing out on strategy.  Having the ability to see hole locations allows golfers the opportunity to plan their approach shots later on.  A range finder may give you the distance to the pin, but may not show you how much room is in-between the bunker and pin due to perspective, for example.  No matter your ability, seeing parts of the course from different angles will help your game and make you think differently about your shot selection.  If nothing else, seeing more of views will help you further understand the gem of a property we have in the middle of the city.

We all know how many mature trees we are lucky to have on our property, but what is most impressive and a cause for a quick study is the photo below from 1937.  This was uncovered by Mr. Pepi Randolph and shows a very different golf course.  From a tree perspective, there were numerous areas where trees are not present.  Many golf architects designed golf holes around this because of cross winds affecting golf shots.  While we are not planning on going back to this look for this course, there will be more openness in areas to, first,  improve sunlight conditions for the playing surfaces and secondly improve views and vistas which will create different textures around the property.  As you can see the differences are rather dramatic.  



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