Maintenance Week

Busy days on the course over the last few days as we have wrapped up aerating tees and approaches and started to verticut fairways and approaches.  We still have a few fairways that we need to be verticut and will continue this process next week as weather allows. We verticut greens this past Monday and will be topdressing them this coming Monday.

Here are some pics of the equipment we use to get the work done.

Aerator.  We will remove this soil and fill the holes with sand.  This soil has been stockpiled to repurpose later.  We fill these holes with sand to amend the soil, improve drainage, and manage thatch.

Topdresser spreading straight sand.  When the sand dries, we use a brush to fill the holes and incorporate sand.

Cutting this lateral growth will help to stand up the grass thus improving lies and appearance.

We cut this lateral growth with a Fairway mower that has verticut reels and...

A vacuum that also can verticut giving us a double verticut. We collect this material as well for compost that we will spread in rough and high traffic areas when it is ready.

When all is done, this is what fairways look like and will take some time to recover, but will look much better when they do.

Our fairways have never been verticut before and I cannot wait to see what they look like later this fall and next spring. We will do this again in the spring around the time we aerate greens. 


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