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Cart Path Project Update

Progress on our cart path replacement has been coming along nicely.  Even with the late start to the project, we were able to make a lot of progress and I feel great about what we were able to complete. We will have some work to finish up this spring and we can't wait until we can get everything completed and tidied up. The completed paths are: - Around 10 green, 11 green, and 12 tee. - 12 green and 15 tee.  The path leading to 13 tee was widened to accommodate traffic. - 13 green to 14 tee. It's not quite the yellow brick road, but is a a much welcomed improvement. Path that is ready for asphalt next spring: - 2 green to 3 tee A couple trees had to be removed behind 2 green to accommodate the new path.  This will also improve playability. Path was extended along 2 approach to help improve the traffic pattern. Two feet of soil were removed in areas to get to a clay base prior to filling in the stone base. Path to be started: - Behin...

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